
The Elkington "legacy" website

This Elkington One-Name Study website was created by the late Judy (Elkington) Stubbs, an enthusiastic member of the Guild from 1979 until 2014. After she passed away in 2014 it was the wish of her family that the site be preserved. It is therefore the first "legacy" website of the Members' Websites Project.

Enter the Elkington "legacy" web site.

The Guild has received some additional data about the Elkington surname. This can be viewed here.

Information about "legacy" one-name study websites.

"Legacy" website in the Members' Websites Project are those which are no longer being actively maintained but are still available to view as a resource for genealogists. They were created by members who have passed away or by existing members who no longer wish to maintain them and have relinquished the relevant surname registration.

Please be aware that the Guild now has no contact details for the compiler of this site. Contact email addresses within the site will probably be out of date and the site may include links to external websites that no longer exist. Nevertheless the site may well be of value as showing the data collected by its former owner, the analysis of that data and conclusions drawn.

This "legacy" site may be available to be taken over by a Guild member who registers the surname with the Guild. It would then form the basis of a new "active" website. The "legacy" site would also remain here in accordance with the agreement with its former owner.

View the List of members' websites.